How to sign git commits with fish Shell

Hello There 👋!
- GPG Installed
- Git Installed
Fish Shell
Generating GPG Key

- After generation of your GPG Key, run the below command to list your GPG Keys

- Now Copy The ID like this

- Tell Git about your signing Key, make sure that you have configured git name and email

- Here `ED267DF4249ACCC3` is my GPG key ID, replace it with yours.
- Now set The value of GPG_TTY value.
- Add the above line to your file which is located in $HOME/.config/fish/
- Now let us test if our GPG works by running

- If it prompts password for using your GPG key (if any) and generates a sign like above, then your GPG Sign is configured successfully to sign commits
- To sign a commit
git commit -S -m “your message”

- You can check for Sign by running
- To get verified, you must add your GPG Key to your github account.
- Export the GPG Public by running
with your own.

- Visit GitHub, login and click your profile icon, select settings

- In the user settings sidebar, click SSH and GPG keys.

- Click the add GPG key button

- Paste the GPG that we have copied.

- Click the add GPG Key button.
- Now your commits that are signed with it are shown as verified in GitHub 😃
Will Link post for windows CMD and Bash below after ASAP! 🤓
Thanks for reading the Post!, Have a nice day!! 😄